Directional Receiver
The Seeker acoustic directional receiver is a small, rugged passive pinger receiver, used to assist operators of ROVs and AUVs in tracking acoustic sound sources (from 25 to 40kHz).
There are two different models of Seeker receivers. The VADR1000M operates to depths of 1000 metres and the VADR6000M can withstand depths of 6000 metres.
Key Features
- Pinger receiver mode:
- Receive bandwidth: 25 to 40kHz in 100Hz increments
- Receiver sensitivity: -100dB ref 1Upa @ 1 metre
- Transporter mode:
- Receive frequencies: 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34kHz
- Interrogation frequency: 26kHz
- Acoustic output: 180dB re 1uPa @ 1m
- Acoustic signal: Coded system Range: Up to 1000m
- Directional hydrophone:
- Beam width: 40° + 5°
- BINS: Left or right, 3, 8, 20 or >20°
- Bearing accuracy: 4° nominal in BINS 1 and 2
- Bearing resolution: 2°
- Pinger receiver mode:
- Receive bandwidth: 25 to 40kHz in 100Hz increments
- Receiver sensitivity: -100dB ref 1Upa @ 1 metre
- Control interface:
- RS232: 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit
- Connector: 5 pin underwater pluggable
- Interface software: Microsoft OS, provided
- Input voltage: 18 to 32V DC, 24V DC nominal
- Mechanical / environmental:
- Housing: Aluminium hard coat anodised
- Depth rating:
- VADR1000M: 1000m
- VADR6000M: 6000m
- Weight:
- VADR-1000M: 3.8kg in air, 3.2kg in water
- VADR-6000M: 6.8kg in air, 5.5kg in water
- Dimensions:
- VADR-1000M: 11.4 x 26.0cm
- VADR-6000M: 12.7 x 28.0cm
- Operating temperature range: -18 to 43°C